Thursday, May 15, 2008

Spending Money - RM2.4 Billion - is Easy

The Dewan Rakyat was told today that a total of RM2.37 billion had been spent on the National Service programme since its launch in 2004 up till 2007. A sum of RM608.6mil was spent in 2004, RM604.8mil in 2005, RM588.2mil in 2006 and RM565mil in 2007.

As can be expected, the government will always have the final say in claiming that the NS objectives have been met. “As of now, the government is very satisfied with its achievements and it has met the objectives set,” said Deputy Defence Minister Abu Seman Yusop. As with any claims or information originating from the government, one has to exercise discretion as to whether to accept the statement 100 per cent.

Now we understand why some people are very adamant that the NS be continued despite the unnecessary tragic deaths of NS trainees over the years. RM2.4 billion is a damn good reason.

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